About Lionheart

Who we are.

We are Melbourne based health professionals with a vision to educate, empower and gather our community to create positive lasting change for generations to come.  

Our mission is to help our community understand the root cause of their health problems, and listen to their innate wisdom.

Our philosophy is that education is the most impactful tool to facilitate healing from bodily malfunctions, mental challenges, and ancestral wounds.

We offer individual and group therapies for physical pain and injuries, emotional trauma, health, and performance optimization.

Our approach is centered on self-empowerment to help our clients feel light and free within themselves. 

This raises their vibrational frequency enabling greater self-enlightenment. 

Our services include Physiotherapy, Yoga, Pilates, Personal Training, Sound and Vibrational Therapy and Reiki.

You'll appreciate our point of difference when you begin working with us.

For the thousands hacking at the branches of the problem, there is one striking at the root
— Steven Covey

Our vision.

To educate, empower and gather our community to create positive lasting change for generations to come. 

Our intention is to help raise the collective consciousness of the multidimensional nature of human health.

We believe it is possible for individuals to take responsibility for their health.

By fostering a connection to our bodies’ innate wisdom and by listening to our hearts we can radically transform our physical, mental, and energetic well-being.

Through building healthier communities, awareness rises that our actions have the power to either facilitate or suppress disease.

Our philosophy.

It’s important to us that the people who work with us understand the biopsychosocial factors contributing to their pain.

Our philosophy is to address the root cause of pain, injury and health challenges through a holistic approach.

This results in long-term behaviour change and improved health outcomes.