Uschi Staedel-Schneider


Dorn Spinal & Remedial Massage Therapist

As a German champion gymnast, I developed an intrinsic understanding

of the human body and the way different parts work together.

This led me to a career as a physical educator and from there it was only a short step to becoming a massage therapist I then studied many different body therapies.

Remedial massage, CranioSacral Therapy (Upledger) a gentle, non-invasive manipulative technique that acts on the deepest structures and organs of the nervous system, Myofascial Meridians with Thomas W. Myers (Anatomy trains)


In 2006 I became a Dorn Spinal therapist. This gave me the final string to my bow of treatments to serve my clients in the best possible way.

“My ‘Move it, don’t lose it!’ classes are my passion project to help you help yourself.”

With nearly twenty years of practice, my strength lies in my ability to give an intuitive diagnosis that is rooted in an anatomic analysis of your body. My treatment is tailored to what you need.

I include the tools to prevent harmful posture which can lead to misalignment of the spine and this in turn is the cause of many health problems.

My passion is to help you to help yourself and improve your well-being!